Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

The Importance of Sustainable Tourism Development in Coastal Cities: A Case Study of Aqaba, Southern Jordan

(Khaled Maqabla)


Aqaba is a preferred tourist destination for Jordanians. This study aimed to investigate investors, tourism employee, and local community perspective regarding tourism development in Aqaba. The study used the descriptive analytical methodology using a previously evaluated questionnaire including 27 statements related to tourism impacts and its contribution in sustainable tourism development. The research population consisted of local community, investors, and workers in tourism sector. A proposed sample consisted of 450 individuals, 150 of each of local community members, investors, and workers in the tourism sector in Aqaba. The results indicated that local community, employees, and investors' evaluation of tourism impact in Aqaba was positive. The three samples perspectives differed regarding some tourism aspects and their potential impact. The study sample assessment for tourism contribution was high in providing basic services, enhancing social relations among region's people, in addition to polluting beaches and Gulf water. The sample evaluation was low for the role of tourism in raising land prices, introducing exogenous customs into to the community, and creating crowed traffic in the region. The study recommended that there is a need to utilize sample's positive evaluation of tourism effects in Aqaba by planner and decision-maker. In addition, there is a need to review the previous policies and plans to address the aspects reported differently by the sample classes in addition to limit the effect of tourism on the coast and pollution. Further studies on tourism development in Aqaba should follow to benefit from Jordan's pioneer experience in developing and marketing other tourist destinations in the Kingdom. Key words: Aqaba, Coastal tourism, Internal tourism.
