Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Women Affairs According to Modern Female Arab Poets Four poets as an Example

(Fawzia bint Nasser Alandas)


One of the main criteria of modern era, within poetry context, is overcoming women isolation to a more open environment that led to the rise of new poets such as Warda Alyazigy and Aisha Altimoria. Female poetry covered several cases within this context including humanitarian, national, patriot, nature, universal, and women affairs. This work came, in accordance with the modern critical trend, to examine logically the modern female Arab poetry to uncover the gender bound cases that reflects her feminism. The work frame was structured based on two main concepts. The first was to override the first generation poets who represent traditional poetry. The second was to select a number of modern female poets who represent the new trend, taking into consideration their nationalities and the timeframe. These selected poets were Nazik Almalaeka, Fadwa Tokan, Malak abdulaziz, and Soad Alsabah. The women affairs of these four poets were classified into three topics according to the collected work. The topics were Love, motherhood, and worries. The main findings of this work were that women successfully joined the field of creativity and leave a clear mark with a unique poetry production that had independent identity that can be distinguished from male work. The work recommends that further work is needed to achieve possible generalization of modern female Arab poetry. Key Words: Aisha Altimoria, Fadwa Tokan, Malak abdulaziz, Nazik Almalaeka, Soad Alsabah, Warda Alyazigy.
