Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Relationship of Environmental Stress with Protein Pattern in Date Palm Phoenix dactylifera L. CV. Hillawi and Sayer



The present study was performed to define the relationship between environmental stress type and protein profile for two cultivars of date palm namely Hillawi and Sayer cv. from Basra region. Results revealed that the number and size of protein bands differed for the two cultivars. As a response to environmental stress, the number of bands ranged between 5 to7 bands. Hence, the environmental stress had an evident effect on the protein bands profile, most of protein band size were approximately located at the size range of 248.94 to 253.12 kDa. Both flooding and drought conditions had a significant effect on the first band which were ( 252.08) kDa in Hillawi and Sayer cv. Salt stress condition had a similar impact on both date palm cultivars as protein profile analysis revealed a seventh band with a size of 94.04 kDa. Our results revealed the efficiency of protein profile analysis as a technique to define the response type of date palm to different environmental stress conditions. Key Word: Date palm, Environmental stress, Protein pattern.
