Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Confinement and storage of cyanate in the nano scale via nanolayered structures
Cyanate is anion that is formed during protein poisoning in the body and was studied widely in the field of biochemistry because of its toxicity. The present research aims at confinement and storage of cyanate in the nano scale. It was attained by the intercalation of cyanate into nanolayerd structures of Ni-Al LDH. In addition, the influence of aging time on the intercalation of cyanate was studied using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Furthermore, the effect of metals on the affinity towards the intercalation of cyanate anions inside LDH structure was studied by replacement of tetra-valent cations Ti4+ instead of the tri-vallent cations Al3+ during the preparation of LDH structure. X-ray diffraction results of the Ni-Ti LDH indicated that the inter-layered space was 0.73 nm. This space was smaller than that of Ni-Al LDH suggesting that the interlayered anions inside Ni-Ti LDH are different from those into Ni-Al LDH. Thermal analysis (TG, DTG and DTA) and Infra-red spectrum showed the existence of only cyanate anions inside Ni-Ti LDH while, in case of Ni-Al LDH, both cyanate and carbonate anions were observed. SEM images showed plate-like structure for both Ni-Ti and Ni-Al LDHs although the shapes of their plates are not similar. Our results suggested that the LDH structures containing titanium cations have higher affinity for cyanate anions than those containing aluminum cations. Therefore, this choice for cyanate in the interlayered spacing widens the applicability to study the effect of the confinement on the toxicity of cyanate by bio researchers.
Key Words: Intercalation of cyanate anions, nanolayered structures, Ni-Al LDH, Ni-Ti LDH, urea hydrolysis.