Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Effect of Dispersion in Surface Plasmon-Mediated Ion Neutralization at Metal Surfaces
(Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Mohsen salt)Abstract
A mechanism for ion neutralization at metal surfaces was previously suggested. In this mechanism the ion is neutralized upon scattering from a metal surface via exciting a surface plasmon. It was shown that this mechanism is of comparable probability as the other two mechanisms, namely, Auger and resonance tunneling neutralizations. In the previous calculations, the dispersion of the surface plasmons that arise from the neutralization of an ion scattered from a metal surface was not taken into account. In the present work dispersion was considered by allowing the surface plasmon frequency to be dependent on the wave vector. This makes the calculation valid for large values of the wave vector . The calculations show that the orthogonalization correction to the neutralization rate is found to be important at small distances from the surface when applied to the scattering of protons from aluminum surface