Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Mucocele of the Ventral Surface of the Tongue A Case Report
(Mohammed Hussein Alboudbej Mohammed Matouq Al-Ali and Nadia Ali Al-Marzouk)Abstract
Mucoceles are common cystic lesions of the oral cavity that can appear in different locations in the oral mucosa due to trauma or obstruction of salivary gland ducts with the lower lip as the predominant location. However, mucocele occurs on the ventral surface of the tongue involving the anterior lingual gland is rarely seen especially in pediatric group. In the present case, a 9 years old Saudi female was diagnosed with a mucocele on the ventral surface of the tongue. Clinical presentation, microscopical and histological features are described with the review of literature.
Key Words: Extravasation, mucocele, retention phenomena, salivary gland.