Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Green Technique Development for Promoting the Efficiency of the Reprocess of Pulp Slurry

(Louay Mohammed Shelf)


Due to the depletion of available natural resources and increasing environmental degradation caused by several industries as papermaking, this work has provided a method for using paper manufacturing slurry in the production of reprocessed paper. Pre-manufacturing, the slurry has been projected to ultrasound waves then treated with alkaline. This study showed the effect of these waves on the properties of the refined cellulosic fibers and proved the success of the application of this type of treatment. The values of the absorbance of water has been doubled and the size porous fibers increased 2.0-2.8 times, while the values of each of the crystallization and the grain size decreased 1.2 and 1.3 times, respectively, at critical time equals 10min using the initial radiation treatment with or without alkaline treatment by a solution (2% NaOH). However, the specific surface area has increased better than with alkaline treatment by 3.2-11.2 folds and the length and smoothness of the fiber decreased by 4% and 25% respectively after 20min. Through the analysis of SEM, micro fibrils initiation have seen in fibrous surfaces and fluff detached after 15min with increasing chances of morphological damage alongside with the increasing of the concentration of alkali solution. IR spectra showed that there was no change in the primary crystalline phase of the fibers after treatment and thus has been verified the efficiency of cellulosic pulp final product resulting from reprocessing slurry papermaking. Therefore, this research offers a manufacturing method to refine slurry of paper industry with environmental and economic benefits. Key Words: Critical values, Environmental degradation, Irradiation, Reprocessing, Wiley mill.
