Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Reduction of Gas Emission Resulting from Thermal Ceramic Manufacturing Processes through Development of Industrial Conditions

(Louay Mohammed Shelf)


A large amount of acid gases are produced from thermal manufacturing processes of ceramics. The gases pollute the air. Thus, it was necessary to seek to develop techniques for reducing these emissions. In this research, 10 mixtures of three types of clay, taken from the Syrian rural areas, were prepared. This is in addition to the sand dust and Waelz slag. They were incinerated, and then analytical work was initiated. Firstly, the basic content of mineral oxides were analyzed in each of clay, foundry sand dust and Waelz slag using fluorescence X-ray. Secondly, the most important emitted gases decomposed under slow incineration rates, 2?C /min and a rapid one, 10?C /min by using technical combination of TG-FTIR and quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS). Thirdly, fluorine was measured in foundry sand dust and Waelz slag by fusion method and ion selective electrode (FUS-ISE), and chlorine through the neutron activation technique and total sulfur by combustion and infrared detection. Then, the correlations of gas emissions were examined under certain thermal conditions and different time intervals. The most significant results of this research showed that it is easy to reduce the acid gas emissions during burning by adjusting the temperature of the treatment. This is through studying mineral phases and preliminary identification of elemental content in raw materials before heat treatment. This is in addition to the possibility of reducing the release of sulfur dioxide gas when removing sulfur slag. Therefore, it is recommended to follow technological conditions implied in this research when manufacturing ceramic in order to reduce familiar elemental loss in currently used methods in ceramics industry. Key Words: burned product, clay, heat treatment, incineration cycle, oxide content.
