Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Malaria in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Epidemiology and Control

(Suleiman Mohammed Saghir, Mohammed Amin Kenawy, Omar Ali Tamim Dar)


In this paper, the present status of malaria and its control is discussed compared to the previous situation in almost 50 years. Malaria in Saudi Arabia has been documented since 1941 as a major health problem in the eastern oases. Today, malaria is highly endemic in the Southwest (Gazan and Asir) where 83%, 92% and 96% , respectively of the Kingdom total-, indigenous- and malignant cases are reported and transmitted by An. arabiensis and An. sergentii. The central part is free of malaria, northern and eastern parts are with no transmission while the Northwestern part has low endemicity. Of the four parasites, P. falciparum is dominating representing 87% of the cases. Over two decades, malaria showed periodical peaks every 4 to 5 years. Transmission generally occurs from October to April and with perennial pattern in the South. The antimalaria programme (started in 1948) has two major achievements during 1970s: (a) interruption of transmission in the eastern and northern parts, in the major cities and most of the coastal plain in the western part and in some valleys of Asir Plateau and (b) maintaining the central part and pilgrimage areas free of malaria. Imported cases, border malaria, P. falciparum resistance to chloroquine, vector resistance to insecticides are the main problems facing the antimalaria activities. The programme is now being intensified to overcome such problems.
