Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Higher Education in Saudia Arabia, Statistic Analysis of past and Future Prospective

(Abdullah bin Farhan Almayorra)


This article examines the quantitative development of university education, which is represented in high school graduates and enrollment at universities and analyses the demand for it. It also an attempt to determine the exact estimates of each group until the year of 1430 H. The paper focuses on the gap between the social demand for university education and the capacities available to meet such needs. The researcher used the chronological technique to study the problem, making use of statistical analysis of data concerning high schools graduates, newcomers, undergraduates, and faculties. The researcher based these predictions of newcomers to universities on behavior of such variables from the period 140l-1416H. The time series and multiple regression were utilized to explore the equation used in determining the number of students expected to join universities every year until the year 1430H.
