Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management
The Critical Reception of Intertextuality in Western and Arabic Cultures
(Aggressive Fans)Abstract
During the early eighties of the last century, critical reception of intertextuality started after the wide spreading of Bakhtin dialogue idea. The term was first invented by Kristeva in her studies during 1966-1967 period. Several efforts were reported later that enreached this area of study. However, in Western criticism, there are a number of methodological differences and an abundance of definitions relating to the concept of intertextuality. It has, however, been generally misunderstood. the strong relations between the classical term plagiarism and the concept of intertextuality was also highlighted.
Arab endeavours in this area have multiplied and enriched the term through the transfer and the translation of critical works from English, French and other languages. These endeavours have taken two paths: the first involves critics restricting the meaning of the term to its Western use, while the second seeks to widen its meaning to encompass the terms relevant to the phenomenon used in the traditional school of Arabic literary criticism. These endeavours in Arabic criticism is discussed in depth in this work.
Key Words: Arabic criticism, Intertextuality, Western criticism.