Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

The Holy Quran Interpretation Skills

(Adel Rashad Ghoneim)


Being affected by the Holy Quran and its guidance, as a base for a fruitful personal positive change, requires a deep understanding of its verses. It also requires symantic knowing of such verses. Accordingly, the Holy Quran repeatedly invited humans to deeply explore its verses, as this would enable the person to discover more meanings. This wider understanding is controlled by ones will to understand and the width of individuals vision to these meanings. Deep understanding also assist in associating the Qurans text and real life that needs to be straighten out by the Quran guidance. This study examined the main skills needed to achieve Holy Quran deep thinking within the areas of reciting, symantic, and deep thinking. The reciting field discussed reciting skills, repeating, and toning. In the field of symantic, the skills of assigning word meaning utilizing dictionaries, examples, and its location in the sentence were examined. Deep thinking field presented skills needed for drawing beneficial conclusions, determining the suitability of a specific word to the meaning of the verse, and assigning verses to current events. The study presented some samples that explained such skills. Key Words: Deep thinking, Reciting skills, Symantic
