Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Research in Islamic Jurisprudence: Its Status Approach and Resources

(Mr. Ibrahim Abdul Rahim Bin Hashim)


This work attempts to highlight the significance of research in Islamic jurisprudence, a well-established research area in Islamic studies. After providing definitions of basic technical terms, the work explicates the rationale and role of research in Islamic jurisprudence in providing and preserving the standard understanding of the word of God expressed in the Holy Quran. The second section explains the requirements for studying this research area: dedication to God, devotion to research, significance of topic, primary sources, academic integrity, proper scrutiny and consultation, and impartiality. The third section highlights the basic stages of research in Islamic jurisprudence. They start with identifying a research topic, and then move on to making a research plan, data collection and writing up, paying special attention to accuracy of quotations from the Holy Quran and other reference. The fourth section sets research resources in on a scale of priority. The most reliable source is the Holy Quran, which is followed by Prophet Mohameds traditions and sayings. Then there is a list of primary basic texts in each school of Islamic jurisprudence and their explications by renowned scholars from each school. The survey ends with accepting others views. Key Words: Islamic jurisprudence, Islamic research methodology, Primary Islamic sources.
