Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Length-weight and some Morphometric Relationships of Hababir (Lutjanus ehrenbergii) from Sudanese Red Sea Coast
(Mutasim Ali Amr Osman Mukhtar Mohamed Farah and Sayed Mohammad Ali)Abstract
Length-weight relationship is an essential biological parameter needed to appreciate the suitability of the environment for any fish species. That is why many fishery biological studies give an importance to it. The relationships between total length and body depth and girth are very important in estimating the allowable catch and appropriate mesh size to be used in a fishery. length-weight relationship in addition to power and linear equations of some morphometric relationships(depth-total length, girth-total length and dorsal fin length and anal fin length-total length) were calculated for Lutjanus ehrenbergii (local name Hababir) (Lutjanidae) from the commercial catches landed at Port Sudan Fish Market during February 2010 to January 2011. Previous Sudanese studies on this fish focused mainly on classification. Local biological studies are absent because of the relatively low commercial value of this fish. Values of R2 were high in all cases. The length-weight relationship indicate a negative allometric growth (W= 0.028L2.768 for males, W= 0.035 L 2.704 for females and W = 0.031L2.735 for sexes combined). Concerning the relationships of depth-total length, girth-total length and dorsal fin length and anal fin length-total length. The power equations have higher R2 than the straight line equations and hence better describe these relationships. The results of this study will provide valuable information for the online (FishBase) database and contribute to fisheries research, management and conservation in Sudanese Red Sea coast.
Key Words: Body depth, Body girth, Length-weight relationship.