Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Genetic Relationships Among some Pears Genotypes Using RAPD and AFLP Molecular Markers

(Statement Mohamed Mazhar and Ahmed Naguib Sharaf Naglaa Abdel Moneim Abdullah)


Genetic variability and relationships among seven pear genotypes (3 wild type genotypes of pyrus syriaca Boiss and three local Syrian pears cultivars, in addition to Egyptian Licontei cultivar) were achieved using 32 RAPD primers and 10 AFLP primer combinations. The level of polymorphism for all genotypes as revealed by RAPD and AFLP was 81.47%, and 92.5%, respectively. RAPD and AFLP revealed different genetic similarity (according to Jaccard coefficient) among the seven pear genotypes. The highest similarity was between WT1 and WT3 (62%), while 54% between Abu-Satel and WT2 by RAPD and AFLP, respectively. The dendrograms derived from the two techniques discriminate between Licontei and Syrian pear genotypes, RAPD cluster revealed genetic similarity between Romi and Licontei, while AFLP clustered Licontei genotype in a separate cluster. RAPD and AFLP techniques characterized the seven pear genotypes by a large number of unique markers throughout 67 and 227 unique markers, respectively. Licontei genotype was characterized by the highest number of unique markers (70), followed by Romi which was characterized by 50 unique markers, while, Abu-Satel was characterized by the lowest number of unique markers (31). RAPD technique revealed high Hav (p) (0.189), while AFLP technique revealed high marker index (207.04). The correlation coefficient between RAPD and AFLP marker types was high (0.945). Consequently, this investigation showed that RAPD and AFLP techniques were useful to identify the different closely related pear genotypes. Key Words: AFLP, Genetic relationship, Pyrus syriaca, RAPD.
