Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Ibn Jarir Attabaris Approach in his Book "Alqiraat"
(Ahmed Bin Fares Salloum)Abstract
This study aims to introduce Ibn Jarir Attabari as a Qur’an recitation
scholar and shed light on his writings on the sciences of Holy Qur’an. The
importance of the study stems from the fact that it analyzes and refers to the
approaches of earlier Qur’an recitation scholars who studied and commented
on the different recitations of the Holy Qur’an. To achieve these aims, sample
analysis was introduced to his a famous book in this field "Alqira’aat" (i.e.
different ways of reciting the Holy Qur’an).
The analyses depend on an analytical and inductive approach by
referring to as many sources covering the same topics covered in Alqira’aat.
Then, these sources are analyzed and criticized.
The most important result of the study is the authentication of Ibn Jarir’s
approach for criticizing and analyzing different recitation methods of the
Holy Qur’an. His opinions that are not agreed upon with consensus by
scholar authorities are also considered such as, his opinion against the
authority of Ibn Amer’s way of reciting the Holy Qur’an. Finally, the
research is ended by some recommendation calling for deeper studies of
earlier scholars’ approaches, especially during the pre-seven-reciters
dominance era.
Key Words: Ibn Jarir Attabari, Qur’anic sciences, recitations of the Qur’an.