Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Collective Memory and Cultural Identity Review

(Anas A. Al Humam)


Collective memory is vital for understanding a society's history and cultural identity, serving as a bridge between the past and the present. The concept of cultural identity is not fixed but evolves over time, shaped by the interactions of individuals with their communities and others. This study investigates the connection between collective memory and cultural identity, focusing on the transformations of the latter. It explores collective memory within an artistic context, analyzing elements such as texts, narratives, photographs, rituals, monuments, celebrations, and buildings that construct a society’s narrative and self-image. The study aims to contribute to the harmonious reconstruction of historical narratives and cultural identities, integrating modern innovations. The research examines the transition from communicative memory to cultural identity, described as thematic culture. It emphasizes the distinctive aspects of collective and cultural memory, utilizing examples from modern literature, particularly exile and diaspora literature. These works highlight how literary texts engage with multiculturalism, cultural diversity, and openness to other cultures. Furthermore, the study addresses the impact of the 1967 war on Arab culture and literature, underscoring its significance in reconstructing collective memory and redefining cultural identity in the Arab world. This analysis demonstrates how memory and literature shape evolving cultural identities in a globalized context.
Communicative memory, cultural difference, cultural memory, identity, memory structures, thematic culture



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