Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Histological Study and Chemical Composition of Apium graveolens: In Vivo Antimicrobial Activity

(Imane Abdelsadok , Karima Ouldyerou , Boumediene Meddah , and Pascal Sonnet )


The purpose of the current investigation is to evaluate the methanolic extract from Apium graveolens seeds for chemical composition and in vivo antimicrobial activity, supported by a histological study. The chemical profile of the methanolic extract was identified using high-performance liquid chromatography diode array detector analysis. The toxicity and antimicrobial effects of the methanolic extract were examined through in vivo experiments on rats weighing 220 ± 5 g. The histological study was conducted using the rats’ ileum. The methanolic extract (80%) contained sinapic acid (49.9%), ascorbic acid (25.4%), butylated hydroxyanisole acid (6.1%), and quercetin (8.2%), with a yield ratio of 11.74%. The dose of 50 mg/kg of the methanolic extract did not lead to animal lethality or toxicity symptoms. Two days after treatment, the blood cultures of all females treated with the methanolic extract at 50 mg/kg showed sterility (100%). The same result appeared on the fifth day after treatment in all males of the same group. Histopathological examination revealed normal and well-preserved architecture of the ileum in both sexes. The study concludes that the methanolic extract of Apium graveolens possesses significant antimicrobial capacity.
Anatomopathology, celery, chemical compounds, enteric infection, HPLC, rats


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