Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Exploring Educators’ Perception of and Readiness for Hybrid Flexible Learning in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Higher Education

(Muliati Sedek and Che Ku Nuraini Che Ku Mohd )


In Malaysia, technical and vocational education and training (TVET) focuses on equipping students with practical skills for specific careers, blending classroom instruction with hands-on training. Regarding hybrid flexible (HyFlex) learning, which integrates face-to-face and online instruction, TVET institutions face both opportunities and challenges in incorporating digital tools into practical training. This study explores educators’ perceptions of and readiness for HyFlex learning in TVET higher education. A quantitative survey was conducted with 30 purposively selected educators to assess their attitudes, beliefs, and preparedness concerning HyFlex implementation. The data were collected through an online questionnaire and analyzed using the SPSS v25 software. The educators viewed HyFlex learning positively, with mean scores above 3.29 indicating approval of its benefits. They also felt confident about students’ success (mean = 4.16) and their own technological skills (mean = 3.92). However, concerns were noted regarding increased workload (mean = 3.44) and the need for better training and resources, as reflected in the lower scores for instructional design (mean = 3.54) and access to resources (mean = 3.77). Therefore, enhancements in training and resources are necessary. This study recommends strategies to improve educators’ readiness, including the provision of clear workload guidelines, support for instructional design, professional development, technological resources, and a supportive institutional culture. Addressing these areas will facilitate more effective and sustainable adoption of HyFlex learning models.
hybrid flexible learning, educator perception, readiness, TVET, higher education, instructional design



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