Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Phytochemical Analysis, Total Phenolic Content, Hemolytic and Anti-hemolytic Activities of Centaurea iberica (Asteraceae)
(Ruba Joujeh, Salim Zaid and Sobhi Mona)Abstract
Several plants contain chemical substances that have various biological activities, but they also probably cause harmful effects on cellular membranes. This work deals with the Centaurea iberica (Iberian starthistle) plant. The objective of this study is to identify the main chemical groups in the methanolic extract 80% of the plant, determine its total phenolic content, evaluate its toxic effect on human erythrocytes, and also assess its activity in the protection of normal and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) enzyme-deficient human erythrocytes membranes against oxidative hemolysis. Phytochemical analysis revealed that C. iberica extract contains several bioactive compounds. The results also showed that the plant extract contained good level of total phenolic compounds. The extract exhibited a low hemolytic effect. It also showed excellent activity in the protection of normal and G6PD-deficient human erythrocytes against oxidative hemolysis.
Erythrocytes, G6PD, Iberian starthistle, methanolic extract, toxic effect, oxidative hemolysis
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