Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Effects of Brassica Rapa on Dyslipidaemia and Oxidative Damage in Rats Consuming a Hyperlipidic Diet
(Fatima Zohra El kadi, Karima Ould Yerou and Hadj Mostefa Khelladi)Abstract
This research investigated the influence of a hyperlipidic diet in Wistar rats and the therapeutic effect of Brassica rapa powder (BrP). A hyperlipidic diet was administered followed by oral supplementation of BrP (5%) for 28 days. The BrP supplementation caused a decrease in weight (- 41%), glycaemia (-12%), creatinemia (-51%), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) level (-80%), and cholesterolaemia (-25%) associated with an increase in HDLc level (+59%). However, the hepatic lipid profile showed a decrease in phospholipids (PL) (-59%) and total cholesterol (TC) (-67%). In addition, oxidative stress assessment showed a decrease in the serum (-22%), renal (-30%) and adipose (-8%) levels of TBARS. Furthermore, BrP supplementation boosted glutathione (GSH) protective activity in adipose tissue with a maximum of +49%. In conclusion, Brassica rapa enhances the serum and tissue balance of metabolic and antioxidant status.
Antioxidant, biomarkers, fat, in vivo, redox status, turnip
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