Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Study of the Nuclear Structure Properties in Strontium (90,92,94Sr) Isotopes Using Nuclear Shell-model Calculations
(Fatema Hameed Obeed and Ali Khalaf Hasan)Abstract
In the current research, various nuclear properties energy spectrum, reduced electromagnetic transition probabilities, nuclear moments, and the distributions of both the nuclear charge and mass density as a function of radial distance from the nucleus center (r) were computed for90,92,94Sr isotopes' using the NuShellX@MSU code. The Skyrme (SLy4) potential was utilized to compute the Strontium isotopes' wave functions with mass numbers 90, 92, and 94. By employing the Gloeckner interaction and bare G-matrix, the computed results showed good agreement with the available experimental information on the aforementioned nuclear features of all the above isotopes. Additionally, the spins and parities of energy levels were confirmed and determined in accordance with certain empirical values. Furthermore an acceptable agreement for transition strengthsB(E2;2_1^+→0_1^+ ) for 90,92,94Sr , and the dipole magnetic moment of the ground state in the90Sr isotope, was observed with the available experimental values. In these calculations, new values were predicted for the above nuclear properties, which had not been previously determined experimentally.
energy spectra; gloeckner interaction; model space; nuShellX code; skyrme potential; transition strengths
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