Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Inference of the Modes of Recitation in Tafsir Ibn Uthaymeen (From Surat Al-Fatihah to Surat Al-Imran)
(Mona Fahd Rashid Al-Daosari)Abstract
The aim of the research is to collect, study, analyze and present Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen’s views on the modes of recitation inferred from his interpretation of the Qur’an from Surat Al-Fatihah to Surat Al-Imran. The research comprises an introduction and two main sections. The introduction delineates the significance of the topic, the rationale behind its selection, the objectives, previous studies, the research plan, and the methodology. The first section delves into Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen’s perspective, while the second section explores his opinions on the recitations inferred from the beginning of the Qur’an to Surat Al-Imran. The findings of this research reveal Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen’s careful and reflective approach to the modes of recitation. The considerable effort he dedicates to this aspect, as well as his interest in one of the Qur’an’s most important sources of interpretation, becomes evident through this study. Although Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen did not interpret the entire Qur’an, he expounded on parts of it, encompassing more than half of its content. He mentions the seven modes of recitation in his interpretation, finding them sufficient and inferring their application. However, he does not address the three additional modes that complement the ten, nor did he discuss the abnormal readings, except in a few instances.
Qur’an interpretation, grammar guidance, hermeneutics, Qur’an sciences, abnormal readings, frequent readings
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