Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

An Algorithm to Analyze Arabic Verbs Morphologically

(Nimet Hamid Kassad and Muhammad Rabee Hatim Shaheen)


Morphological analysis describes a word in isolation from the context, which is an important stage when trying to automatically understand and interpret the text. Many studies have provided morphological analyzers of Arabic verbs. However, although accurate, they do not deal with all cases of Arabic verbs. This research introduces an algorithm to analyze Arabic verbs morphologically based on regular expressions then on Morphological Database. The advantages of this algorithm are that it deals with verbs in their morphological cases, extracting their possible structures and some of their morphological data. This algorithm yielded highly accurate results after being tested on a sample of vocabulary and text. Furthermore, the extracted data is completely error-free.
language processing, match, pattern, regular expression, root, word structure


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