Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Efficiency of Locally Isolated Bacteria in the Bioremediation of Petroleum Pollution

(Ola Al-shakh , Tamim Alia and Omiema Nasser )


Bioremediation of petroleum pollutants is a new, environmentally friendly technique that promotes sustainability. This method is based on employing microorganisms to degrade petroleum contaminants in the environment. This study focused on characterising and selecting bacteria isolated from the local environment to study their efficiency in reducing hydrocarbon compounds with engine oil as the sole source of carbon. The findings of this study have shown that six bacterial isolates were chosen and utilised in the bioremediation process. Two of these isolates, SL4 and IW2 were robust in the treatment of hydrocarbon compounds of engine oil with efficiency reaching up to 83.17% and 76.58%, respectively, in 20 a day- period. During the biodegradation process, SL4 and IW2 achieved the highest growth rate as well as the highest redox rate of 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCPIP) at a percentage of 79.79% and 74.55%, respectively. After conducting morphological and biochemical testing the result confirmed that SL4 and IW2 isolates were Klebsiella pnoumoniae - Bacillus subtilis. based on the results, it can conclude that the local bacterial strains isolated in this study have great potential to degrade petroleum contaminants.
bacteria growing, biochemical test, biodegradation, engine oil, hydrocarbon compounds, redox rate



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