Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Investigations on Serum Copper Values in Healthy and Copper Deficient Najdi Sheep in the Eastern Region of Saudi Arabia

(Abdul Aziz bin Mohammed Evacuee)


To shed light on copper status in healthy and copper deficient Najdi breed sheep in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia, 26 animals (13 six months old copper- deficient lambs, and 13 diseased 3-4 years old adult ewes). In addition, 10 apparently healthy animals (5 lambs six months old and 5 adult ewes 3-4 years old) were used as control groups in this study. Blood samples were collected from all animals and subjected to cellular and biochemical analysis. The obtained results of blood cellular examination revealed significant (P<0.05) decrease of Hb concentrations, PCV%, and total RBCs counts in copper deficient animals as compared to the values in the control ones. Meanwhile, the results of serum biochemical analysis revealed significant decrease (P<0.05) of serum copper values and albumin concentrations in copper deficient animals when compared to the corresponding values in control ones. Moreover, total protein showed the same trend in lambs only. On the contrary, glucose level response to copper deficiency revealed a reverse effect as it was higher in diseased lambs and ewes than the control ones. Key Words: copper deficiency, ewes, lambs, serum.
