Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Study of Reproduction Biology of Lionfish Pterois Miles (Scorpaenidae) in Syrian Marine Waters

(Aola Ali Fandi, Vienna Hammoud, Adib Zeini and Tareq Arraj)


The reproduction of Pterois miles, which is of the Lessepsian species that invaded the eastern coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, was studied. It established abundant populations along the Syrian coast and began to compete with the native species in respect of their diets and, habitats as well as prey on them. The study included the analysis data of 259 samples caught in the Syrian marine waters (2019–2020), and the results show that this species has two reproduction periods: a long period during summer and a short one during fall. The GSI% value, which represents the percentage of gonad weight relative to eviscerated body weight, for females during summer was 4.09±3.68% and 3.28±1.94% during fall, while the GSI% value for males was 2.04±1.30% during summer and 1.14±1.33% in fall. Also, the HSI% value, which represents the percentage of liver weight relative to the weight of the eviscerated body, was high during the reproduction period in both males and females. The individuals of this species are characterized by high fertility, and the females, number of eggs was 115332–313575. The females, length was 24–32 cm and their visceral weight was 166.67–311.81g. The diameters of the eggs were 39.84–43.47 microns. Therefore P.miles constitutes a serious threat to the native marine environment and its wealth of fish.


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