Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
The Role of Nanosilica in Ameliorating the Deleterious Effect of Salinity Shock on Cucumber Growth
(Abdullah H. Al Saeedi and Sadeq J. Alameer)Abstract
A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the influence of the application of four concentrations of silica nanoparticles (NSi) in mitigating the negative effect of salinity shock on cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Seedlings were sprayed with NSi (0, 100, 200, and 300 ppm) as the NSi treatment, and the plants were subjected to either no salinity shock (NSCh) or salinity shock (WSCh) 3250 ppm for two days. Yield and vegetative parameters, K+, Na+, K/Na ratio, Si, and proline contents were measured. The NSi treatments prevented the harmful effects of salinity on yield, with a reduction of 9.19% for plants treated with NSi3 under WSCh compared with NSCh. Salinity shock caused an accumulation of proline in the roots and other plant parts as a method of protection. The NSi2 and NSi3 treatments under WSCh prevented the accumulation of Na+, leading to an increase in the K/Na ratio. The Si contents in the roots, leaves, and fruits increased with increased NSi. The results of the interaction treatments showed a significant effect on all traits except for plant length, leaf area, chlorophyll, and root potassium content.
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