Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Phenotypic Correlation and Relative Importance of Some Characters Influencing Bolls Number of Cotton

(Maha Lutfi Hadid )


This research has been carried out at the experiment station of Agriculture Faculty, Damascus University during the period of 2007-2008. Eight genotypes of cotton (C 6040, Line 5, Aleppo 118, Aleppo 90, Aleppo 40, Aleppo 33, Dirzor 22, Raqua 5) were planted in a randomized complete block design with three replications to study correlation and path coefficient analysis between number of bolls per plant, first reproductive branches height, vegetative branches number, reproductive branches number, plant height, internodes number, ginning percentage. Significant positive correlations were found between number of bolls per plant and each of reproductive branches number, plant height, and internodes number. Significant and positive associations were also observed between first reproductive branches height and each of vegetative branches number and plant height. Also, between reproductive branches number, and vegetative branches number. The last two traits were also positively correlated with plant height and internodes number. Path coefficient analysis showed that, reproductive branches number, vegetative branches number, and plant height had the greatest contributions to the variation of the number of bolls per plant (27.75%). Thus, the breeders should take into consideration these traits as selection criteria for number of bolls per plant improvement. Key words: phenotypic correlation, path coefficient analysis, cotton, and boll number.
