Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University
Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University / Humanities and Management Sciences

Computerization of the Unit Circle of Mukhtar Arabic Poetry

(Zainab Ali Khalaf)


The current paper aims to computerize Mukhtar unit circle to identify the Arabic verses meters. Each verse is segmented into its primary components that represented by consonant ("saken") and vowel ("mutaharrik"), each vowel character acts by the Arabic character (1583;) and the consonant character acts by the Arabic character (1606;1618;) 1548; and this work depends on the principle: (Every pronounced character is written down, and every character not pronounced is neglected). The designed system try to identify the meters of Arabic verses and revealing its linguistic components, and choosing the correct segmentation places which grants a special musical tone for the verse. The proposed system was tested on many examples of standard Arabic poetry whether it is old or modern. It has proved to be able to identify verses feet, rhythm and meter. The current system can be considered as an educational system because of its features and characteristics that can be help both teachers and students to understand prosody in easy way. Key words: Prosody, unit circuit of Mukhtar Arabic poetry, prosodic form.
