Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management

Woman’s Contributions in Waqaf and Well-fair Work until the End of the Third century after Hejrah. An Applied Study on the Iraqi Pilgrimage Road and Securing Services in Holly Makkah

(Mohammed Abdullah Ahmad Akaddhat)


This study aims to highlight the woman s role in charitable activities and Waqf, as well as her contributions in consolidating Islamic culture, hand in hand with the man. The Muslim woman has exerted enormous efforts during the period investigated in this study in establishing and developing charity organizations that contributed to the development and cultivation of the society. The woman was motivated by her desire to gain Allah s awards. Some of most celebrated women who had great contributes in charity world were of the Abasids, such as AL-khaizaran and Zobaida. This study addressed the woman s efforts in these fields through two major approaches: First: The woman s role in constricting the large Hajj road between Kufa and Makkah. These efforts were reflected by paving the roads for pilgrims (Hajij), as well as by setting up rest8211;houses and digging wells and lakes to secure water along the road. Second: The woman s contributions in securing all necessary services for pilgrims in Makkah. Women, of this study, exerted the utmost efforts in securing all services to relief pilgrims. Special efforts were given to water in and out of Aakkah, Mushier, Mount Arafat and Mina in addition to securing accommodations for housing pilgrims through purchasing houses especially for this goal. Key Words: Iraqi Pilgrimage road, Woman s Contribution, Waqaf.
