Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
"Al-Nither", the Promised Sacrifice: A Belief-Based Study
(Abdulrahman bin Abdullah Al-Turki)Abstract
In this research work, various aspects of "Al-Nithr" (promised sacrifice) was investigated from Islamic faith and belief point of view. A definition of promised sacrifice is provided, its kinds are classified and its religious validity is addressed. Clear evidence is supplied showing that any promised sacrifice must be made to God alone, and that any form of worship by a promised sacrifice must be addressed only to God. The investigation reviews the promised sacrifice in earlier religions, showing elements of faith and belief in the promised sacrifice.
The researcher elaborates on various manifestations of promised sacrifices addressed to entities other than God, showing how Islam judges these actions, and illustrating the grounds for rejecting the suspicious views of the innovators of promised sacrifices to deities or entities other than God. Finally, there is a detailed discussion of the reasons behind the condemnable innovation of the promised sacrifice to other than God, and the reasons why Muslims should avoid it.
Key Words: Al-Nithr, Religious sacrifice, Islamic faith and belief, Worship in Islam.