Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Analytical Study of Previous Graphic Attempt of the Spatial Features of Hijrah Rout

(Abdullah Bin Hussein Judge)


Graphic Paper Media (GPM) whether drawings, maps, figures, and sketches are important tools to convert written data into spatial and geographic information. They also simplify and clarify the written data for readers and researchers. Because of such importance of GPM, it became a separate science called cartography which has been taught to many disciplines among which are Geography, civil and military Surveying, Urban and Regional Planning, etc. This research traces the previous graphic attempts to clarify the spatial features of Hijrah Rout (ten attempts). Taking into account the resources, techniques and media available at their times, the paper attempts to assess these attempts. The paper uses several quality and efficiency criteria such as: persistency, clarity, comprehensiveness, and suitability of the attempt to the purpose required from it. In gathering the data, this study depends on secondary data survey and review of literature of previous studies which have recorded the footsteps of Prophet Mohammad on drawings or maps. The study used the electronic expert-poll method to interview a sample of experts interested in the field of cartography. An assessment questionnaire including the ten previous maps reordering the footsteps of Prophet Mohammad has been posted on a special web site of the researcher. The paper applied an inductive analytical approach and the comparative assessment technique to analyze the collected graphic attempts. The study consists of four parts. The first part is the general introduction which contains the research problem, purpose, relevance, and methodology. Part II is devoted to definition of basic terms and concepts such as cartography; basic elements, major tasks and purposes of a map; and map assessment criteria. Part III of the study assesses previous ten drawing attempts to record of the Hijrah footsteps of the Prophet Mohammed. The part explains the field survey methodology and design, the characteristics of respondents, the singular assessment of each attempt of the ten graphical attempts; and the comparative assessment of all attempts. Finally, Part IV highlights the research conclusions and recommendations Key Words: Visual Paper Media, spatial Location of geographical information, graphical attempts to record Prophet Mohammed s Hijrah (migration) Road Footsteps, Mecca-Medina Region, Saudi Arabia.
