Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Some Local Variety of Pepper In Syria
(Lama Alon, Bassam Abu Turabi, Khaled al-Mohammad, Abdul Rahman Klhot, Suha Ashtar)Abstract
Phenotypic description for quantitative traits, and molecular description using Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) technology were assessed for fourteen local variety of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) during 2008-2009 in Aleppo, Syria. The varieties 2 (Hama) and 9(Aleppo) were earliest for all earliness indicator. The best varieties for fruit length at physiological and biological maturity were varieties 6 (Aleppo) and 14 (Idleb). Variety 4 (Aleppo) gave best result for many trait as weight of ten fruit and the yield of plant at physiological and biological maturity. In the cluster analysis of phenotypic and molecular descriptions, the varieties were separation into two major clusters. The phenotypic description was different compared to molecular description, except the varieties 3 (Aleppo) and 10(Aleppo) was proximate where the similarity index in phenotypic and molecular descriptions reached (0.86 and 0.97) respectively.
Key Ward: Capsicum annuum, pepper, Phenotypic description, molecular description, Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR), similarity index.