Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Estimate of Genetic Effecties for Some Morpho-Phenological Characters in Durum Wheat Crosses (Triticum durum L.)
(Mehdi Attrat, Maha Lutfi Hadid , Walid Ik)Abstract
This study was carried through the cooperation between Faculty of Agricultural Damascus University and General Commission of Agricultural Scientific Researches in Karahta station of field crops researches during 2007-2008 ,and2008-2009successive seasons.
Ten durum wheat were crossed using half diallel method. The crosses were grown along with their parents in randomized complete block design with three replications to estimate General Combining Ability , Specific Combining Ability, and both mid and high parent heterosis for days to heading, days to maturity, grain filling period, plant height, spike height, and peduncle pike length
The results indicated that both additive and non- additive types of gene action were included in the inheritance of traits under study with preponderance of additive gene effects for days to heading plant height, spike height, and peduncle pike length, Non- additive gene effects were pronounced in the inheritance of days to maturity, grain filling period, and peduncle pike length
High general combiners for this characters were obtained and the most important parents were Cham7 Horani Sawade Hamary and Q88 which suggests these lines to be used as important parents in wheat hybridization program because of their ability to inherit their characteristics to their progenies.
Many positive specific combiners having both mid and high parent heterosis and derived from positive general combiners were obtained such like (Hamary x Cham7), (Cham1 x Cham7), (Cham1 x Doma1).
Key Words: hybridization, general combining ability, specific combining ability, heterosis, Morpho-phenological characters.