Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

The amphibolitic rocks in Jabel Al - Gungeryeh (Baer-Bassit Area) Petrographical; Petrological and Geochemical Study

(Abdul Rahman bin Muhyiddin Alsfarag)


Metamorphic rock autcropped in Jabel Al-Gungeryeh, Baer-Bassit areas NW Syria underlie concordantly the ophiolitic ultramafic rocks. With a thickness of 300m (Al-Gungeryeh quarry) and a general NW-SE trend with no clear evidence for either deformation nor melonitization. They are composed of: marble, quartzite, amphibolite, micaceous schist and chloritic schist. Nevertheless, amphibolite is the most common and dominant.
