Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Effect of Water Restriction on Thermoregulation and Some Biochemical Constituents in Lactating Aardi Goats During Got Weather Conditions

(Mohammed Abdullah Al-Amer)


This study was conducted to assess the effect of water restriction on some physiological variables in lactating Aardi goats. The trial was divided into 3 periods each of 6 days; control, water restriction and rehydration. Aardi goats in early lactation were divided into two groups. One group (n=5) received 50% and the other group (n=4) received 25% restriction of drinking water relative to their water consumption during the control period. Respiration rate and sweating rate were not affected by water restriction and therefore, rectal temperature was maintained without changes. Compared to 25% restriction, 50% water restriction resulted in a steady increase in plasma sodium and osmolality, which was an indication of hemoconcentration as a consequence of water depletion from the plasma compartment. Water restriction did not induce any obvious changes in plasma glucose and urea, and packed cell volume. However, plasma creatinine increased progressively with 50% restriction, which may be indicative of lower glomerular filtration rate. This study indicates that lactating Aardi goats can tolerate a sustained 50% water restriction with minimal physiological alterations even when it was coupled with a high ambient temperature. Keywords: Water restriction, Goats, Physiological responses, Desert environment
