Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Inheritance of Some Quantitative and Qualitative Traits in Yellow Maize (Zea mays L.) Crosses

(Reem Ahmad Al-Hadi, Maha Lutfi Hadid, Samir Ali Al-Ahmad)


Half diallel cross were made between eight inbred lines of yellow maize in 2008 season. In 2009 season, the parental lines and their 28 F1, s were evaluated at the Maize Researches Department (G.C.S.A.R) Damascus, to study heterosis and combining ability components for grain yield per plant, 100- kernel weight, oil, protein, and starch contents of grains. Result showed that mean squares were highly significant for all studied traits. The hybrid (IL.275-06 215; IL.362-06) revealed desirable heterosis values for grain yield per plant, oil and protein contents of grains. Mean squares of general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining ability were highly significant for all studied traits. The ratios (amp;963;2GCA / amp;963;2SCA) showed that non-additive gene action was more important than additive gene action in controlling all studied traits except oil and starch contents of grains. Inbred lines )IL.792- 06), (IL.260-06,( (IL.459-06), (IL.275-06 ) and ( IL. 375-06) were good combiners for oil , protein, starch contents, 100 8211;kernel weight and grain yield per plant, respectively. SCA effects showed that hybrid (IL.275-06 215; IL.362-06) was the best cross combination for all studied traits except starch content of grains. Keywords : Yellow maize, Half diallel cross, Heterosis, Combining ability, Degree of dominance, Qualitative traits, Yield.
