Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Self-Efficacy and its Relationship With Locus of Control Among a Sample of Girls College Students
(Nayef bin Mohammed Al-Harbi and Nevin girl Mohamed Ali Zahran)Abstract
The Research aimed to study self-efficacy and its relation with internal and external locus of control . The whole sample of the study consists of
(280) female Girls college students, and their ages are between 18-22 years old. The researchers have applied self-efficacy scale, locus of control scale, and the socio- Economic status Inventory. The data analyzed by using Person correlation coefficient, Anova (22), and T. test. The results showed that there is negative significant correlation between self 8211;efficacy and External locus control. On the other hand, the female college students with high level of Socio-Economics status showed high degree of self- efficacy and more locus of control than their peers with low level of Socio- Economic status. Finally, the researchers suggested that some of Educational recommendations and future researches.