Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management
The Forgiveness
(Ahmed bin Abdul Aziz Short)Abstract
The seeking forgiveness is a great worship. It includes the recognition of Muslim of the sin, and his regret of it, and asking Allah to conceal it and the protection from its evil in this world and the hereafter.
The Qur8217;an and the Sunnah ordered it, and the incitement to the increase of the seeking of it and the clarification of its favour and its position, and the clarification of its wordings is its times. The Qur8217;an and the Sunnah also mentioned the importance of collecting between the seeking forgiveness and the repentance. They also defined the works that it is hoped the forgiveness to whom it carried out it.
The shari8217;a mentioned the judgements, which are related to the seeking forgiveness. Then it showed the judgement of the insured seeking forgiveness for soul or to other, and the judgement of the seeking forgiveness request from the alive and the dead, and the judgement of the forgiveness request from the creature and so on.
There are great effects of the seeking forgiveness on the individual and the society in this world and the hereafter. Then it is a reason for the forgiveness of sins and raising the degrees of the Muslim, The seeking forgiveness also leads to getting the paradise and keeping away from the hellfire, and the descent of blessings, and the luxury of livelihood, and the health of soul, and the security of society.
This search is in showing the seeking forgiveness quality, its judgements and its effects.