Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management
The impact of Public expenditure on domestic product in Kuwait
(Hussein Ali Age)Abstract
This paper is an attempt to evaluate the effect of the components of Government Expenditure on domestic non-oil output and its components in the case of Kuwait using annual data covering the period from 1970 to 2004. The data were first tested for stationarity and co-integration, the results of these tests indicate that the variables are stationary in their first difference and cointegrated. Then a VAR system was estimated to asses the impact of government expenditure componenents on domestic non-oil output and its components, the results show that government consumption has a positive impact on non-oil output as well as agriculture and services, and a negative impact on industry. The impact of government investment expendiure is found to be positive on non-oil output as well as on industry and services, and a negative impact on agriculture, finaly, the impact of government transfers is found to nigative on non-oil output as well as on industry and sevices, and positive on agriculture. Concerning the size of the impact of government expenditure components, the results indicate that 92% of the variation in both non-oil output and services is explained by these components, while their contribution to the variation in industry and agriculture are 62% and 49% respectively.
The overall implication of these results is that both consumption and investment expenditure have a positive impact on non-oil output, while transfers have a negative impact, this stresses the importance of the first two types, reflecting the possible absesnce of crowding-out effect and the non existence of an income tax system in the country.