Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

The Impact of Holy Suna on the Formulation of Jurisprudential Rules. "Applicable Study on the Books : Al- Ashbah and Al- Nuddar for Al- Saiouti and Ibn Nujaim"

(Mohamed Mahmoud Ahmed Tlavhh)


The present study addresses clarifying the meaning of formulation of Jurisprudential rules, its sources in general, and the Holy Suna in particular and its impact on the formulation of Jurisprudential rules. The study also addresses an applicable study of the impact of Holy Suna on the formulation of Jurisprudential rules in the books of Al- Ashbah and Al- Nuddar forAl – Saiouti and Ibn Nujaim "mercy on their souls". The study concludes that the formulation of Jurisprudential rule is mainly concerned with clarifying the creation of Jurisprudential rules, as the Holy Suna is a main source for Jurisprudential rules, as Jurisprudential rules in its vocabulary is a Holy Suna, or its meaning is abstracted from it. This what the researcher has concluded in the applicable study conducted on the two books mentioned above.
