Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Status of Metabolites, Leptin and Progesterone in Sera of Anorexic and Ketotic Cows During Two Months Postpartum

(Abdullah Ali Al-Azraqi)


A number of energy metabolites and hormones have been studied in sera of normal, anorexic and ketotic Jersey cross cows at 2 months of lactation. Thirty two cows, maintained under standard feeding and management conditions, were divided into three groups: animals with good appetite and lactation (control; n = 8), animals with loss of appetite and poor lactation (n = 11) and animals with loss of appetite and their milk and urine containing ketone bodies (n = 13). Significant (p < 0.05) increase in 946;-hydroxybutyrate, ketone bodies and decrease in leptin, total protein, albumin, globulin and fibrinogen have been demonstrated in anorexic and ketotic cows compared to normal cows. Absence in the increase of progesterone values suggests a failure of resumption of ovarian cyclicity in these cows. The negative energy balance, indicated by alteration of metabolites acting via leptin, could be the reason for failure of postpartum ovarian activity in anorexic and ketotic cows.
