Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Effect of the Phonetic Phenomena of Reduction in Seibaweih s Book
(Reem Odeh Farhan Maaytah)Abstract
This research studies some samples of reduction mentioned in seibweih"s Book and categorizes them accordions to some phonetic rules.
The research fords not that the measurable reduction constructions (fu ail, fu ay il, fu ay eel) depend on phonetic rules. The word is reduced accorders to the number of its letters and its nature. Therefore, some of its sounds might be deleted to avoid similar sounds. For example, "tha" is reduced to "thayya" Another, soil is to hide curtain sounds, like reducing "Jidaran" to "Judayran" A third goal is to reduce a wood according to measurable reduction constructions , like reading "safarjal" to sufairij or " sufaireej" Another possibility is to change some of the word s sounds, like reducing "misbah" to "musaibeeh" to achieve the ease of articulation and similarity of sounds, or to reduce the word according to the reduction forms mentioned above