Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Factors Affecting Students’ Readiness for Flipped Learning: An Innovative Approach
(Abdulhameed R. Alenezi)Abstract
This research aims to investigate factors that affect students’ readiness for a flipped learning approach in blended courses. For this purpose, the research has proposed an extensive model to examine the critical factors that could influence students’ readiness for flipped learning, namely technology self-efficacy, course design, learning flexibility, learning management, online interaction and online environment. Moreover, the moderating role of motivation in affecting the relationship between flipped learning readiness and both learning flexibility and learning management has been examined. A quantitative method was adopted, and 240 valid respondents were obtained and utilised for the data analysis. Both structural and measurement models were assessed using the Partial Least Square-Structural Equations Model (PLS-SEM). The results confirmed that all examined factors significantly affected students’ readiness for flipped learning. The interaction–moderation analysis revealed that motivation significantly affected the relationship between the students’ readiness for flipped learning and factors related to learning, namely learning flexibility and learning management. The contribution of this research is considerable in terms of its theoretical and practical implications. Following the addressed limitations, several recommendations and suggestions are made for the future direction of research.
Technology self-efficacy, course design, learning flexibility, learning management, online interaction, online environment
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