Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Ibn Taymiya’s Approach to Logicians’ Argument that Direct Meaning Is not Intended
(Ziyad Al-Hamam)Abstract
Logicians (i.e. “Al-Mutakalimoun”) utilized various arguments to justify their exegesis position of the Quran text that is different from traditional ancestral scholars. Some of these arguments were regarding cases of belief, especially God’s attributes. This particular argument was based on rejecting the explicit direct meaning when reading the text, claiming that the apparent manifestation is not intended. This led them to manipulate the text to support their interpretation, using what they termed “delegation”. The present paper investigates Ibn Taymiya’s approach to Quran and Prophet Muhammad’s sayings in relation to Logicians’ argument concerning the direct text meaning and its real purpose. The method utilized is primarily deductive and analytical. The work reveals the necessity of reading and adopting Quran texts, as they are in relation to Almighty God, without using similitude. The ultimate guide for that is to achieve the appropriate understanding of the Holy Quran and Prophet Muhammad’s traditions. KEYWORDS logicians, Ibn Taymiya, Salaf, ancestors, predecessors
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