Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Four Band Electromagnetic Waves Absorber Using Negative Refractive Index Materials (Metamaterials)
(Khalid Saeed Lateef Al-Badri and Fahad Qasim Muhammad)Abstract
This work presents a simple design of a four-band microwave metamaterial perfect absorber. The unit-cell of the
metamaterial perfect absorber consists of two metallic rings structure and an FR4 Epoxy dielectric spacing layer
stands on a ground plane. This structure is very simple and very compact. The numerical simulation results (by using
CST microwave studio) show that the structure has four distinct absorption peaks (i.e. 99%). The surface current
distributions of the top layer and back layer of the unit-cell structure proved that the resonance type is electric dipole.
The absorption peak frequencies and absorption level can be tuned easily by changing the structure parameters.
Changing parameters also lead to broad band absorption. As well as, the possibility of producing an absorber with
a wide absorption bundle, which can be used in many applications such as the energy collection and the production
against the effect of the electromagnetic waves. In addition, experimental result closely follows the numerical
simulated one. The proposed design can have potential applications in sensing or other optoelectronic related areas
in terahertz and optic region.
Key Words: Absorption, Electromagnetic waves, Four-beam, Ideal absorbent, Metamaterials, Negative refractive