Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Efficiency Test of Sinorhizobium fredii Local Isolate Biofertilizer on Growth and Yield of Cowpea Vigna unguiculata L.
(Wael. M. Mahdi and A. E. S. Alkurtany)Abstract
Legumes' treatment with efficient inoculant is an important economic practice regarding nodules formation,
increasing production, and improving soil fertility and productivity. Laboratory and field experiments were
conducted to prepare an ecologically safe fertilizer to improve the growth and yield of cowpea using Sinorhizobium
fredii isolated from 46 legumes roots and soil samples collected from various agricultural areas of Iraq. The isolate
was prepared by growing the samples on yeast extract mannitol agar (YEMA). It was identified using culture and
microscopic characteristics, biochemical and physiological test, and PCR technology. A split plot experiment was
conducted in sterile and non-sterile soil. The results showed a significant increase in the studied characteristics
of cowpea due to biofertilizer treatments. The percentages of number of nodules and dry weight of biofertilized
plants increased by 193.49 %, 375.00 %, respectively. Root and shoot dry weight increased 122.45 % and 148.34
%, due to biofertilizer treatment compared to non-fertilized ones. The results also showed a significant increase in
the number of pods, total yield, and the ratio of protein in seeds by 68.47 %, 225.76 %, and 22.29 % respectively.
The differences in growth and yield characteristics due to sterilization were insignificant compared to non-sterile
except for nodules weight per dry root produced from non-sterilized treatments, which was significantly higher. The
interaction between fertilization and sterilization showed that the fertilized and sterilized treatment combination
was significantly higher compared to non-fertilized and sterilized treatment in all studied traits.
The isolate used was efficient in nodules formation and caused a significant increase in the characteristics of
growth and yield. Attention must be given to treat seeds with this type of inoculum as well as testing other isolates
that are characterized by high efficiency in causing nodulation and competing with local bacteria.
Key Words: Inoculation, Legumes, Rhizobium, Sterilization.