Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management

Waraqa Bin Nofal and his Poems

(Omar Abdullah Alfjaoa and Reem Farhan Maaytah)


This study aims at collecting and editing the poems of Waraqa Bin Nofal. It appears to us that a lot of his poems were distributed in many Linguistic, Artistic, and Historical resources, more over many ancients have indicated that he was a poet . We have discussed in this study the problematic if he was one of the companions (Sahaby) of Prophet Mohammad, and we have indicated the ancient sayings in that regard. We have concluded that this issue is still negotionable. It is worthy to be mentioned that there was another academic efforts that have been made before our work. Those researchers have collected the poems of Waraqa, but we have added 41 poems.
