Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University
Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University / Humanities and Management Sciences

Explanation of a Poem by Al-Nabighah Al-Thybyani, Examined by Sheikh Iman Abu Al-Hassan Ali Ibn Ahmed Al-Wahidiyy

(Ali bin Nasser Abdullah rein)


This research paper can be classified under the category interested in classical literary heritage, especially those masterpieces that are still in manuscript form. The significance of the paper derives from its study of a pre-Islamic epic that is copious in vocabulary and stylistic devices. Moreover, the Imam who first explained the poem is well-know for his rich knowledge in such a field; his explanation of the complete works of A-Mutanabbi is a pioneering study which is appreciated by literary critics. The first section of the paper includes a brief biography of the poet, and another of the Imam who explained it. It has been established that the explanation belongs to the Imam. His approach was investigated in length. The second section is devoted to the manuscript, and the methodology used in examining its authenticity. The third section is a presentation of the full text of the manuscript. This is followed by a bibliography listing the references cited.
